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fqdi All-parties conference: Government asked to conduct census without delay
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Cell division is fundamental for life, allowing organisms to grow, repair tissues, and reproduce. For a cell to divide, all the DNA inside the cell (the genome) must first be copied, in a process called DNA replication. But the precise dynamics of replisomes 鈥?the protein machinery that copies DNA 鈥?has been difficult asics outlets for scientists to determine. Now, researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) in Japan have developed a new model that can determine variations in the speed at which replisomes copy bacterial genomes. The model, combined with experiments, shows that certain sections of DNA are copied faster than others and reveals an intriguing link between replication speed and error rate. The research was published ineLifeon July 25, 2022."The machines that copy DNA are amazing 鈥?they are very fast and very precise,鈥?adidas yeezy said Simone Pigolotti, an Scarpe Yeezy Associate Professor at OIST who heads theBiological Complexity Unit. 鈥淯nderstanding these machines can tell us what is i ISLAMABAD:Minister for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Senator Pervaiz Rashid on Wednesday said the government is fully cognizant of the needs of farmers and has provided them a variety of incentives to cover up income shortfall due to stagnation in international market.Addressing a press conference in front of the Parli adidas campus beige ament House Rashid said, 鈥淎griculture is the backbone of our economy and the government has facilitated farmers through various incentives to cover up their income shortfall.鈥漈he minister said, some opposition parties are new balance 327 bent upon politicking on this issue but PML-N will not let the opposition play with the sentiments of poor farmers. Rashid was hitting back on the allegations put forward by the opposition regarding the government鈥檚 package for the farmersThe minister categorically rejected the allegations of Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Khursheed Shah and said it would have been better if samba og adidas 鈥楽hah Sahib鈥?could implement the Prime Minister鈥檚

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