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snmq Akbar rebukes PML-N for claiming victory in Daily Mail case
Hrax Singapore couple challenge annulment of marriage after sex change
NEW YORK:Elon Musk s rocket and spacecraft company SpaceX on Wednesday circulated pricing on a proposed $750 million term loan that will put cash on the company s balance sheet, two sources said.The company floated pricing in the 400bp-425bp over Libor range with a 0% floor and a discount of 99. The loan will have six months of soft-call protection at 101.Elon Musk deletes Facebook pages for Tesla adidas originals multix , SpaceXBank of America Merrill Lynch is leading. Commitments are due November 16.As it markets the deal among potential investors, SpaceX is keeping close tabs on the company s financials, according to sources.However, this secrecy has not deterred interest from the investment community. It s a brave new world, said one loan investor. I think there are some companies in this new economy space that are really interestin nike air af1 g and this is why you re seeing Uber and WeWork and even Tesla to some adidas og extent able to line up debt. US regulator approves SpaceX plan for broadband satellite servicesSpaceX is Gmlf Speakers demand cancer hospital in Balochistan
BUENOS AIRES:Lawmakers in Argentina launched a fresh bid to legalise abortion on Tuesday, presenting a new bill to Congress and resuming a battle that has divided the homeland of Pop jordan4 e Francis ahead of October's general election.A vast crowd -- mostly young women dressed in green, the color that has come to symbolise their movement -- gathered outside the Congress building in central Buenos Aires since early evening to support the bill.Last year, a bill to decriminalise abortion up to the 14th week of pregnancy was narrowly adopted by the Chamber of Deputies but defeated in the Senate, af1 noir under strong pressure from the still-powerful Catholic Church.The new bill is being put forward by 15 lawmakers from a range of parties, including President Mauricio Macri's ruling center-right Cambiemos coalition and left-wing opposition parties.The protesters plan to hold a major demonstration into the night to mark the revival of their campaign, hoping for a better jordan verdi ending this year. Similar protests we

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