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crgp Pictures of the day: June 7, 2016
Yudc Army chief, PM meet to discuss Punjab operation

PESHAWAR:Teachers in Khyber newbalance 550 -Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) on Tuesday warned the government that they would launch the second phase of province-wide protests from May 5 unless the government fulfils their demands.All Teachers Coordination Council (ATCC) Spokesperson Azizullah Khan told The Express Tribune that the K-P Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser had assured them duri ugg boots f眉r damen ng the last phase of their protest on April 20 that the chief minister or the provincial education minister would resolve their issues when they return from their trip to China.But with those officials havin newbalance 550 g returned to the country on April 30, the teachers said, they had yet to receive any positive response from the government. As a result, the ATCC said that they had planned to stage protests and boycott their duties at schools in Haripur from May 5.As per their schedule of protests, the would protest in Malakand on May 6, Upper Dir on May 7, Lakki Marwat on May 10 and a sit in Peshawar on May 15 which would last till their demands During embryonic development, billions of neurons nimbly yeezy 700 reposition themselves within the brain and spinal cord, and connect branches to form the neural circuits that ultimately control our movements, perception, and memory. S air force cientists have long sought to understand the driving forces in this meticulously choreographed dance, in which each cell seems to know precisely where to be to at any given time, and with what other cells it must link.In particular, intensive research has been focused on axon guidance, a process in which a neuron sends a wiry extension to seek out a partner cell and connect to it. In a study published in Science, Rockefeller University researchers report on their discovery of a molecule secreted by cells in the spinal cord that helps guide axon dunk low s during a critical stage of central nervous system (CNS) development.“A type of cell called a commissural neuron projects axons from one side of the nervous system to the other, across an embryonic structure known as

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