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wtnx Boeing finalising anti-stall update after Ethiopia crash
Ctrk WATCH Vienna crowned most liveable city for second year
RAWALPINDI:Health teams have cleared almost 962 dengue larvae spots during the last three months, virtually bringing the threat of the dengue virus spread under control in Rawalpindi. Health officials, however, said t nike airforce 1 mujer hat the emergency will remain in place until November 30.They maintained that at least 550 hotspots were cleared in Rawalpindi and no infected case has been reported from these hotspots lately. These areas included Gulzar-e-Quaid, Airport Housing Society, Wakeel Colony, Dhok Hassu, and Adyala Road.According to the officials, only two dengue cases were re jordan high ported in Rawalpindi in April and the patients were discharged after a successful recovery.They said that the wards designated for the dengue patients in different hospitals are still empty while no separate wards for infected patients were set up this year.Sources said that the Rawalpindi administration has been directed t jordan purple o monitor the dengue situation amid the monsoon rains forecast for next week.ReadDr Rashid gets tough Wnev Universities roads industry and tourism to end poverty in region CM Mahmood Khan
HYDERABAD:Starting a career unblemished bytentacles and shenanigans of thepolitical and administrative system,which has created a pervasiveperception of being inwardly andoutwardly corrupt and inefficient,is what most of the novice bureaucratsaspire for.Qandeel FatimaMemon, assistant commissionerof the Hyderabad rural taluka, happensto be one such officer who embarkedon her career path as an ACunder-training in Hyderabad at theonset of the coronavirus pandemic. quot I find the work exciting, quot she tellsThe Express Tribune in an interview. quot One finds an array of tasks to do- like providing livable conditions,drainage, anti-encroachment, pricechecking, handling revenue matters,polio campaign, education andhealth facilities, ensuring law andorder, and jordans a lot more. Who wouldget time to get bored when there 39 sso much to do q air max90 uot Memon joined the Hy airforce derabad districtadministration in the monthof March, 2020, as an ACundertrainingand continued on that postfor five months amid the Covi

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risl No trace of abducted girls - by MethrenRak - 06-16-2024, 06:07 AM
fges Senate panel okays one-time radio fee on new cars - by MethrenRak - 06-29-2024, 11:48 AM

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